Be inspired by these 15 plus-size Halloween heroes!
It’s true that villains may get to have most of the fun, but what the world really needs right now is more heroes. All too often that falls on the backs of marginalized folks who end up not only having to be the heroes for their communities, but heroes for themselves — and they rarely if ever get any credit for it.
That reality can really be daunting at times. If only everyday acts of heroism could come with capes, marvelous outfits, fun gadgets, and fanfare! Since it does not, sometimes we have to take advantage of the times where we can dress up and reward ourselves.
Halloween is a great time for that!
From glamorous queens to space oddities, the only limit is your imagination… and maybe your wallet. If you are strapped for cash, build looks from your closet and makeup drawers. Plan on getting ready together with other friends who are also on a budget and share your stash in order to extend your access. Don’t forget one of the keys to continuing the fun, though — use smart hygiene practices so that your show-stopping pink sparkly shadow doesn’t become an equally dramatic case of pink-eye or worse!
Reclaim your time, space, and community from those who wish to villainize big-bodied people. Create a literal #BoPoWarrior costume and have a body-positive Halloween bash! Check out these Halloween heroes for a bit of inspiration:
1. Misty as Pikachu (@kani_anime)
Posing as the most recognizable Pokemon, Misty borrows from her own closet to create the cutest (and, dare we say it, uncomfortably sexy) Pikachu to grace the plus-size cosplay world. If money or time is tight, take a lesson from her and work with what you have for a great costume!
2. Shori as Cinderella (@gks_shori)
Korean Instagrammer Shori creates a perfect rendition of the classic Disney depiction of Cinderella. All the details are there for a beautiful princess look. We just hope that she doesn’t wait too long for that prince to come before she sets off on her own!
3. Eric “The Smoke” Moran as Maui from Moana (@thesmoke007)
While Maui may have been more of an anti-hero, the trickster certainly served as a lesson for Moana to overcome her fears and let the arrogance and low-key misogyny of others hold her back. While he did eventually come around and set aside those many problematic behaviors, we know who the real hero of the story is and always will be: Moana and the Divine Feminine.
4. Eva Rae Birch of The White Dragon Armory (@dragoncosplaykid)
Holy crap! This look is #GOALS for all Halloweiners out there. Eva Rae Birch’s work is testament to the beauty and creativity of the countless hours that serious cosplayers put into their work.
5. Heather Traska as Winnie The Poo (@heathertraska)
Never has there been a cuter Winnie The Poo than Disney-bounding beauty Heather Traska. No money for a costume? No problem! Take a cue from the Disneybounding way of life and cobble your own homage to your favorite characters. Your boss will never even know you’re doing it!
6. Katie as Star Guardian Lux from League of Legends (@katiethestarchild)
Stop everything and look at this beautiful photo. Whatever your relationship with anime may be, its fans create some of the most beautiful costumes, and this one is no exception.
7. Cin Von Quinzel as Han Solo (@cin_von_quinzel)
Wear as much or as little as you want with this sexy Han Solo costume. After trick-or-treating, inject a little femme4femme sexiness with a “Hannah” Solo storyline.
8. Ali Buttons as Beast from Beauty and the Beast (@alibuttons)
Ali Buttons and her partner dress as a genderbent version of Beauty and the Beast — and we love it! Sometimes you feel like a beast, and it’s okay if he needs a princess day, too.
9. Morgan LeGay as Iron Woman (@morgan_le_gay)
Morgan LeGay looks fierce as a Rosie the Riveter-esque Iron Woman. We would trust her to save the day!
10. Margaery Tyrell and Robert Baratheon (@misnthropia)
Margaery Tyrell and Robert Baratheon may not have been lovers in Game Of Thrones, but they would have made an unstoppably fierce duo with the acumen fit to rule. Baratheon is a great costume option for masculine-of-center folks, or those who simply just do not feel like performing their femininity on Halloween.
11. Sofi as Princess Leia (@sofurj)
South American cosplayer Sofi nails this gorgeous understated Princess Leia costume that’s cute enough to wear alternately as a dress on your low-key Leia days.
12. Sabrina Servance as the Candy Queen (@sabrinastyled)
Plus-size model and blogger Sabrina Servance serves some seriously sweet looks in this amazingly cute (and sexy!) rainbow holographic look.
13. Darian DuRoy as Lydia Deetz (@jacaina_frost)
A nod to 90s throwbacks, this “spoopy” costume is based on the cartoon version of Beetlejuice’s beloved Lydia Deetz. Weird and gross connotations of Beetlejuice himself aside, Lydia was the proto-goth for many late Gen Xers and millennials alike.
14. Sakura Sunset as Judy Hopp (@sakurasunsetshop)
Sakura Sunset is dressed as Judy Hopp, the adorably dimunitive crimebuster everyone doubts until she saves the day as sworn protector of Zootopia.
15. Larissa Rebelle as The T.A.R.D.I.S. from Doctor Who (@rissarebelle)
The Doctor may not be completely nothing without the T.A.R.D.I.S., but she certainly has saved his life and millions of others many times and dimensions over. It’s great to see her treated as a character rather than merely as the Doctor's ride through time and space.